Download Java Object Oriented Programming: OOPS OOAD & Design Patterns

Java Object Oriented Programming:OOPS OOAD & Design Patterns


Java Object Oriented Programming: OOPS OOAD & Design Patterns is an object oriented programming training course with Java language published by Udemy Academy. This educational course is completely project-oriented and contains a set of various topics, among the most important of which are object-oriented design and analysis (OOAD), software design pattern, principles of solid design and development (SOLID), He pointed out the best implementation approaches of object orientation and… Object-oriented programming is one of the best design approaches that can help you solve various software challenges and problems. The codes written with this approach are completely optimized and many softwares have been written with this method. Learning the principles of object-oriented programming is by no means enough, and you must also learn patterns and design principles.

The course is completely comprehensive and includes topics such as Unified Modeling Language (UML), class diagrams, and sequence diagrams.

What you will learn in the Java Object Oriented Programming: OOPS OOAD & Design Patterns training course:

  • Objects and classes
  • Variables, methods and constructs
  • packages and import keyword
  • Access modifiers
  • Non-Access Modifiers in Java
  • Hiding information
  • Abstract classes and interfaces
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation or encapsulation
  • Inheritance in Java programming language
  • polymorphism
  • Solid design and development principles (SOLID)
  • Do not repeat yourself (DRY)
  • The principle of simplicity or the case principle (KISS)
  • Principle of YAGNI
  • Principle of SLAP
  • Prototype template
  • The pattern of creativity and its sub-branches
  • Behavioral design patterns and its sub-branches
  • Structural design patterns and its sub-branches
  • And …

Course details

Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Basics Strong
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 81
Training duration: 10 hours and 59 minutes

Course topics on 10/2022

Java Object Oriented Programming course prerequisites: OOPS OOAD & Design Patterns

Java Basics
Patience to learn

Course images

Java Object Oriented Programming: OOPS OOAD & Design Patterns

Course introduction video

Installation guide

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English subtitle

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 1 GB

Download part 4 – 1 GB

Download part 5 – 142 MB

Password file(s):


4.14 GB

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