Download Learn NestJS – NestJS Fundamentals 2020-8

NestJS Fundamentals


NestJS Fundamentals is a NestJS Fundamentals course published by the Learn NestJS Academy. This course will quickly introduce you to the basics of NestJS. You will understand the essential rules and concepts behind creating enterprise-level applications. Prepare yourself for an in-depth training course and master all the basics of a NestJS application from the language of the developer and member of the development team.

What you will learn

  • Step by step lesson progress
  • Building a real-world REST API application with NestJS
  • Learning and using the most important principles of NestJS
  • You will learn how to interact with both SQL and NoSQL databases

NestJS Fundamentals course details

  • Publisher: Learn NestJS
  • teacher : Learn NestJS
  • English language
  • Education level: all levels
  • Number of courses: 80
  • Training duration: 5 hours and 17 minutes

NestJS Fundamentals course chapters

1 Introduction to NestJS.mp4
2 Installing the NestJS CLI command line interface.mp4
3 Generating our first NestJS Application.mp4
4 Whats inside a NestJS Application.mp4
5 Prerequisite Install Insomnia.mp4
6 Running NestJS in Development Mode.mp4
7 Creating a Basic Controller.mp4
8 Use Route Parameters.mp4
9 Handling Request Body Payload.mp4
10 Response Status Codes.mp4
11 Handling Update and Delete Requests.mp4
12 Implement Pagination with Query Parameters.mp4
13 Creating a Basic Service.mp4
14 Send User Friendly Error Messages.mp4
15 Encompass BusinessDomain in Modules.mp4
16 Introduction to Data Transfer Objects.mp4
17 Validate Input Data with Data Transfer Objects.mp4
18 Handling Malicious Request Data.mp4
19 Autotransform Payloads to DTO instances.mp4
20 Before We Get Started.mp4
21 Prerequisite Install Docker.mp4
22 Running PostgreSQL.mp4
23 Introducing the TypeORM Module.mp4
24 Creating a TypeORM Entity.mp4
25 Using Repository to Access Database.mp4
26 Create a Relation between two Entities.mp4
27 Retrieve Entities with their Relations.mp4
28 Using Cascading Inserts and Updates.mp4
29 Adding Pagination.mp4
30 Use Transactions.mp4
31 Adding Indexes to Entities.mp4
32 Setting up Migrations.mp4
33 Understand Dependency Injection.mp4
34 Control NestJS Module Encapsulation.mp4
35 Diving Into Custom Providers.mp4
36 Value based Providers.mp4
37 Nonclassbased Provider Tokens.mp4
38 Class Providers.mp4
39 Factory Providers.mp4
40 Leverage Async Providers.mp4
41 Create a Dynamic Module.mp4
42 Control Providers Scope.mp4
43 Diving Deeper Into RequestScoped Providers.mp4
44 Introducing the Config Module.mp4
45 Custom Environment File Paths.mp4
46 Schema Validation.mp4
47 Using the Config Service.mp4
48 Custom Configuration Files.mp4
49 Configuration Namespaces and Partial Registration.mp4
50 Asynchronously Configure Dynamic Modules.mp4
51 Introducing More Building Blocks.mp4
52 Understanding Binding Techniques.mp4
53 Catch Exceptions with Filters.mp4
54 Protect Routes with Guards.mp4
55 Using Metadata to Build Generic Guards or Interceptors.mp4
56 Add Pointcuts with Interceptors.mp4
57 Handling Timeouts with Interceptors.mp4
58 Creating Custom Pipes.mp4
59 Bonus Add Request Logging with Middleware.mp4
60 Bonus Create Custom Param Decorators.mp4
61 Introducing the Swagger Module.mp4
62 Enabling CLI Plugin.mp4
63 Decorating Model Properties.mp4
64 Adding Example Responses.mp4
65 Using Tags to Group Resources.mp4
66 Introduction to Jest.mp4
67 Getting Started with Test Suites.mp4
68 Adding Unit Tests.mp4
69 Diving Into e2e Tests.mp4
70 Creating our First e2e Test.mp4
71 Implementing e2e Test Logic.mp4
72 Before We Get Started.mp4
73 Prerequisite Install Docker.mp4
74 Running MongoDB.mp4
75 Introducing the Mongoose Module.mp4
76 Creating a Mongoose Model.mp4
77 Using a Mongoose Model to Access MongoDB.mp4
78 Adding Pagination.mp4
79 Use Transactions.mp4
80 Adding Indexes to Schemas.mp4


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