Material UI – The Complete Guide With React (2023) Edition is the name of the complete tutorial on the Material UI library with React, published by the Udemy website. Become a frontend ReactJS developer by learning the fundamentals of UI UX design with Material UI. Here, after completing this course, you will be able to:
- Building e-commerce websites
- Building Responsive Websites
- Construction of website projects
- Modern websites with UI UX
In this training course, you will first learn the Material user interface. Then you will start building projects. Be ready to become a Frontend Developer. This course, we have covered everything about Material UI. Material UI: MUI provides a comprehensive set of UI tools to help you ship new features faster. With Material UI, start from our fully loaded library, or bring your design system to our production-ready components. You about:
Components in Material UI
Deep level understanding of workflow
Managing component state with ReactJS
Become a ReactJS Frontend Developer where you can do everything with React
Become a Material Master in the UI
Develop projects with Material UI Like
- Responsive navigation bar
- Responsive navigation bar (GRID)
- Login logout program
And much more… This course is designed for beginners and professionals who want to gain an in-depth knowledge of all the components in Material UI. You can take the course and become a ReactJS Material frontend developer in 10 hours.
Who is this course suitable for?
- React Developers who want to use Material UI to save their design time and focus on Logics.
- React developers who want to build modern UI UX sites
What you will learn in the course Material UI – The Complete Guide With React (2023) Edition:
- Learn Material UI with small examples
- Learn about all UI Material components
- Learning how to build responsive websites
- Implement modern UI UX in your app
- After this course, you will be able to implement UI Material in your project
Course details:
- Publisher:Yudmi
- teacher:Indian Coders
- English language
- Training level: introductory to advanced
- Number of courses: 121
- Training duration: 12 hours 35 minutes
Course headings
Course prerequisites:
- React Developers who want to use Material UI to save their time in design and focus on Logics.
- React Developers who want to build Modern UI UX Sites
Course pictures:
Course introduction video:
Installation guide :
After extracting, watch with your favorite player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
The 2022/9 version has increased the number of 23 lessons and the duration of 2 hours and 12 minutes compared to 2022/6.
The version of 2023/3 compared to 2022/9 has increased the number of 51 lessons and the duration of 5 hours and 29 minutes.
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
6.85 GB
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