Download Pluralsight – FastAPI Fundamentals 2022-4

FastAPI Fundamentals

FastAPI Fundamentals course. This course teaches you how to develop and serve a REST API using FastAPI, a Python framework that is quickly becoming the most popular way to build REST APIs in the Python world. In this course, I will teach you how to create web rest apis with FastAPI, a very popular and very modern framework that has taken the Python world by storm. FastAPI takes advantage of many of the latest Python features, such as type hints and sync/await, and writing rest apis has never been faster or more fun. The REST api written in fastapi is also very efficient. In this course, we are going to build a Rest api with fastapi, and along the way you will get to know all its main features. We’ll cover schemas and automatic data validation and transformation, persistence using sqlmodel, auto-generating documents, authentication with oauth, and more. By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of all of this and be ready to create your first resting api with fastapi. Before starting the course, you should be familiar with Python and the basics of API rest.

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