Download Pluralsight – Git Debugging Techniques 2023-10

Git Debugging Techniques

Git Debugging Techniques course. This course provides an overview of three different Git commands to help you track and identify when a bug has been introduced into your Git repository’s code file. When you’re working on a large Git project, you run into code bugs that slow down or block your development. In such cases, manually sifting through your commit history can be a challenging and time-consuming process. In this course, Git Debugging Techniques, you’ll learn about three Git commands with different techniques that you can use to track and identify when a bug has been introduced into your codebase. First, you’ll learn how to debug your code through file history using Git Blame. Next, you’ll discover how to search your codebase with a binary search using Git Bisect. Finally, you’ll see how to search for a string or regular expression using Git Grep. By the end of this course, you’ll have experience using several different Git debugging techniques that you can use to find and fix bugs in your codebase.

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