Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics from Beginner to Expert is a statistical physics and thermodynamics training course published by Udemy Online Academy. Statistical physics and thermodynamics are branches of physics that study the macroscopic properties of matter and energy. Both fields provide insights into the behavior of large systems of particles and help explain phenomena at the macroscopic level. Statistical physics. The theory behind this approach is attractive because of its simplicity. However, it allows correctly predicting the laws of thermodynamics. In this training course, you will learn this simple theory and you will be well acquainted with statistical physics and laws of thermodynamics. In this training course, you will get to know the basic concepts and principles, and then you will move on to more advanced topics.
This training course includes various types of exercises and tests that help you learn the topics better. Both thermodynamics and statistical physics are complementary and offer different perspectives on the behavior of matter and energy. Together they form a powerful framework for understanding a wide range of physical phenomena. In this training course, you will be introduced to this powerful framework and will be able to understand a wide range of physical phenomena. This training course is recommended for people who are interested in physics, especially statistical physics and thermodynamics, and want to understand a wide range of physical phenomena.
What you will learn in Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics from Beginner to Expert course:
- Teaching mechanics and classical statistics
- Statistical physics of isolated, closed and open systems
- Phase transition based on statistical physics and Monte Carlo algorithms
- Concepts of thermodynamics
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Dr. Borge Göbel
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 119
Training duration: 11 hours and 48 minutes
Course headings
Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics course prerequisites from Beginner to Expert
Basics about derivatives and integrals (College level)
For everything else there will be a whole tutorial section
Course images
Statistical Physics & Thermodynamics course introduction video from Beginner to Expert
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
2.5 GB
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