The Complete Ethical Hacking Bootcamp: Beginner To Advanced! It is a training course on security and ethical hacking (lawful hacking) published by Udemy Academy. This training course is designed with the focus on penetration testing of software and web applications and scripting with Python programming language. At the beginning of this course, you will learn how to use VirtualBox software to install the Linux operating system virtually and launch the penetration test implementation environment for the first time. Among the most important topics of this training course, we can teach how to install and work with Linux operating system, scanning and deep investigation of networks, network mapping using Nmap, working with Metasploit security platform, hacking Wi-Fi networks with aircrack-ng, getting to know He pointed out with SQL injection attacks and ..
Your programming language and main tool in this course is Python, and with its help you will design various penetration tests. The educational topics and lessons of this course will be presented in the form of 8 completely separate sections, in order of initial installation and setup of penetration testing environments, basic basics of Linux operating system, principles of network security, active and passive collection of information, management and upgrading levels. It is called access, penetration testing of web applications and familiarization with common and repeated cyber attacks, penetration testing of wireless and wireless networks, man in the middle attacks and Python scripting. There is a thematic unity between all the different topics and courses of the course, and the process of the course will end from simple and basic topics of the world of software security to advanced and highly specialized topics.
What’s in The Complete Ethical Hacking Bootcamp: Beginner To Advanced! You will learn:
- Initial installation and commissioning of the penetration testing implementation environment
- Network basics
- Collection of active and passive information
- Shodan search engine
- DNS Enumeration and zone transfers in DNS server
- Scan open server ports with nmap
- Web application penetration testing
- Getting to know the Burp Suite tool
- Command Injection vulnerability
- XSS or Cross site scripting attacks
- Airodump-ng tool
- Work with the Linux terminal
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yodmi
teacher: HackerSploit Academy
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 141
Training duration: 27 hours and 12 minutes
Course headings
Prerequisites for The Complete Ethical Hacking Bootcamp: Beginner To Advanced!
Basic understanding of Linux.
Basic understanding of TCP/IP.
Course images
Introduction video of The Complete Ethical Hacking Bootcamp: Beginner To Advanced!
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 1080p
download link
** The videos of the seventh part of the training are incomplete and part 25 (Nikto Basics.mp4) Does not exist.
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
11.4 GB
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