Download The Great Courses – Do-It-Yourself Engineering 2018-8

Do-It-Yourself Engineering


Do-It-Yourself Engineering course. Everyone appreciates a well-designed bridge, a sturdy skyscraper, or a flyable airplane. But how many of us who are not engineers think, “I can build that”? Actually, you can. You may not have the credentials of a professional engineer, but you can tinker with anything you want in your workshop, using readily available materials to build working models that solve all the basic problems of the real thing. With a do-it-yourself spirit, coupled with an engineer’s approach to problem solving, you can design and build small-scale models of any structure, machine, or device in today’s world. And in tackling these projects, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of science and engineering principles, proficiency in basic algebra and trigonometry, and new strategies and skills to use in the shop—all while having fun! So, roll up your sleeves and get started with your own engineering, 17 cool DIY projects in 24 half-hour lessons. – From ancient catapults to modern flying machines, from motorized cranes to mechanical clocks. Some of the most amazing projects you will experience include:

  • Suspension Bridge: An eight-foot-high suspension bridge requires two towers approximately five feet high. By calculating the stresses that the structural system experiences when fully loaded with pedestrians, you can design and build a light and strong bridge with readily available hardware.
  • Skyscraper: An ideal introduction to tall building engineering, a tower structure made with just a few sheets of cardboard that can be turned into sturdy columns, beams and bracing. . A properly engineered tower, three feet high, can support more than 100 pounds of bricks stacked on top of each other!
  • Airplanes: The Wright brothers built a wind tunnel to develop their airplane wing design. You can also use a regular fan at home. Your model airplane also needs a propulsion system, three-axis stability, and a means of controlling its flight path—problems you can solve with the help of elementary aerodynamic theory.

Your instructor is award-winning teacher Stephen Ressler, DIY addict and professor emeritus of the US Military Academy at West Point, and long-time favorite of great courses. Step-by-Step Guide: Professor Ressler guides you through every step of each project, describing the design process, performing the construction steps on camera, and illustrating them with detailed drawings of his own. It shows real 3D computer models. The accompanying course manual provides all the math needed for each design, step-by-step instructions for construction, a complete list of materials and tools, and a set of full-size patterns that you can print out for use in cutting the pieces. In addition, you can visit the course website to download your own copies of the 3D computer models and other resources. This course will appeal not only to those who want to build challenging projects, but also to those who want to learn how to think like an engineer or enjoy watching a master craftsman at work. Professor Ressler uses high school-level algebra and trigonometry throughout the course, which he explains as he goes, so that even those whose math skills are rusty have the tools to fully enjoy each step of the process. . Do-It-Yourself Engineering was recorded at The Great Courses Studio in a simple benchtop workshop equipped with standard power tools. Professor Ressler divides each project into three stages:

  • Design: Here, Dr. Ressler defines the problem and often explores several possible solutions. Then, he selects one and develops it in detail, sketching the evolving concept on the whiteboard. This is where mathematics comes into play along with physical principles such as the law of conservation of energy. These principles allow you to predict the performance of the device even before it is built.
  • Construction: Many DIYers start here, with trial and error that involves wasted effort and materials. As you will learn in this course, first have a fully developed plan. For the construction phase, Professor Ressler will show you how to use power and hand tools at each step, emphasizing safety. In these instructive sections, he is the shop’s main teacher.
  • Experimentation: This is the moment of truth and sometimes an opportunity for creative troubleshooting to solve problems. For yachts, hot air balloons, airplanes, helicopters and rockets, this is an opportunity to fine-tune to prepare the vehicle for the next run. For two bridges, it ensures that the structure is safe for pedestrian traffic. For three catapults, it means it’s time to start the battle!

Learn by doing: Build! invent! Create! These are some of the culture-building slogans that are revolutionizing education by focusing on exploration, self-reliance, and the joy of making things. Do-it-yourself engineering fits right into this vision. About 2400 years ago, Aristotle wrote: “We learn by doing.” It’s still true today that anyone can buy a fully functioning model airplane on the Internet, but by designing and building it from the ground up, you learn what makes an airplane fly. How it rises, falls and turns. What keeps it steady? And what causes the dangerous phenomenon called stalling. Some of your other learning adventures in this course include:

  • Buoyancy: Buoyancy is the force that causes boats to float – even those made of concrete. Also, the reason for the rise of the pillow is filled with helium. In either case, the math allows you to calculate the size of your ship to make sure the buoyancy force supports the weight of the model.
  • Torque: The rotational force known as torque plays a prominent role in the design of many engineering systems. For your model helicopter, the significant torque produced by the main rotor must be countered by a tail rotor. Changing the torque with the gear train is one of the ways to optimize the power of a hydro turbine. Gear trains are also very important to the operation of pendulum clocks and motorized cranes.
  • Electricity: One of the exciting projects you will experience is a model rocket. An electric launch controller is not attractive for low engine ignition. Since safety comes first, you design a circuit with safety features. Along the way, you will learn about voltage, current, resistance, batteries and how to solder. Then you launch!

The US Military Academy at West Point, where Professor Ressler taught for 21 years before retiring, is renowned for the rigor of its engineering programs. After immersing yourself in these 24 delightful and insightful lessons, you’ll have no doubt that Dr. Ressler’s classes are not only rigorous, but also beautifully clear and immensely enjoyable. Among his many talents is the timing of a display, as he unforgettably demonstrates in the final lesson, a DIY engineer’s ending unlike any other.

What you will learn in the Do-It-Yourself Engineering course

  • How to think like an engineer
  • How skyscrapers, bridges, airplanes, turbines, and other engineered structures work.
  • Basic physics concepts, such as conservation of energy, Newton’s laws, and Bernoulli’s principle.
  • How to apply high school mathematics to engineering problems
  • Safe use of desktop power tools

Do-It-Yourself Engineering course specifications

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Do-It-Yourself Engineering

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