Effective Editing Course: How to Take Your Writing to the Next Level. An entire industry is devoted to teaching the art of writing. While there are countless how-to books and seminars that will teach you how to turn a phrase or craft a novel, one of the most important components of good writing is often overlooked or overlooked: good editing. Editing your own work is difficult, but it’s a very important skill if you want to be a successful writer. After all, writing is about much more than creating a simple draft—it’s how the work goes from a rough draft to a finished piece that separates the good from the great. And as anyone who’s tried their hand at revising a novel or memoir can tell you, it’s all too easy to get bogged down in the details, focusing only on the trees and forgetting the forest, instead of seeing the bigger picture. Until it becomes hard and overwhelming. . The tendency during the review process to focus on the “small picture” versus the “big picture” can be overcome with the right tools and perspective. That’s where Effective Editing: How to Take Your Writing to the Next Level comes in. Coach and book editor Molly McCowan guides you through the personal editing process in 13 detailed lessons using a step-by-step method designed to reduce overwhelm and confusion. To structure the review process in the most constructive way possible. Working from the big picture to the small of your work, Molly shows you how to enhance character development, find and fix plot holes, create stronger scenes, focus on smooth pacing and point-of-view issues, improve your language. give, and many other things. . The focus of this course is for you to improve your fiction writing skills including fiction and non-fiction such as memoirs, biographies, autobiographies and personal essays. Molly’s tips and tools throughout the course can help any writer edit their work with skill and confidence.
Planning, plotting, and patience: You can’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to good editing. Before you highlight your sentences or worry about grammar, you should think ahead. Anyone who has ever felt intimidated by the prospect of rewriting hundreds of pages of writing will surely understand the value of an action plan. Not only will planning your editing process save you time and energy, but having an idea of what to tackle—and in what order—will result in a stronger final draft. Really effective editing happens in layers, so fully understanding these layers—their focus and what they do for your work—is an essential first step. Here’s a breakdown of the four levels and what they check in your writing:
- Developmental editing looks at your work as a whole piece to ensure that the biggest elements (including characters, plot, structure, and pacing) fit and work together.
- Line editing focuses on working at the sentence and paragraph levels. This is where you deal with things like transition, run-on sentences, phrasing, redundancy, syntax, rhythm, tense, and clichés, as well as continuity.
- Copy editing is more technical and detailed than developmental and linear editing, focusing on the mechanics of grammar and usage. One of the main purposes of copywriting is to ensure consistency throughout the work, so a style guide like the Chicago Style Guide is essential.
- Proofreading is the “cleanup” stage of editing that takes place after your book is typed, where any small remaining mistakes are corrected. Both proofreading and copyediting are best done by trained professionals, as these small slips are the easiest to miss in your work.
By understanding these levels and approaching them one at a time in the right order, you can maintain a sense of order and keep yourself on task during the revision process. This layered approach also ensures that no aspect of your work is overlooked. Because this course focuses on how to edit your own work, it focuses on developmental and linear editing, leaving copy editing and proofreading to an outside editorial eye.
Top to bottom: Effective editing begins with a broad view and narrows down as the process progresses. The first step is to prepare for your editing by developing your editor’s eye. This means taking time out of your draft and then finding ways to capture the vision and see it in a fresh light. Next, it’s time to review your revisions. In writing fiction, the first elements to examine are introduction, plot, and structure—and if you’re not sure how the three differ, don’t worry, because Molly walks you through each term in detail. Using examples from popular works like The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Pride and Prejudice, Molly shows you how to make sure your work is structurally sound, cohesive, and more than just a series of events that happen in sequence. . Characters—whether fictional or fact-based—and their motivations, flaws, and choices are another critical component of successful narrative writing. To better assess your characters, Molly introduces you to the Protagonist Test, which asks questions like:
- What does your character want?
- What do they really need?
- Do they take decisive action or react?
- Are they taking the lead in solving problems and achieving goals?
- Will they fight alone in the “final battle”?
You’ll learn the importance of external and internal conflict and how to refine your characters to make them dynamic, layered, and engaging for readers. You’ll also explore many other developmental issues, such as how to balance action with synopsis, pacing your work effectively, dealing with common point of view problems, building stronger scenes, and improving dialogue and internal monologue. You’ll really understand the common writing advice, “Show, don’t tell”—and when you can ignore it.
The Line Editor’s Toolbox and Beyond: Once you’ve worked your way through the broader elements of advanced editing, you move on to line editing: reviewing and refining your work at the sentence level. You’ll see how focusing on the three parts of speech—adverbs, adjectives, and verbs—will help you improve your prose to improve the flow and sparkle of your sentences. You’ll learn how to use proven methods to combat verbosity and remove excess, and prune your writing like a pro. Molly also lets you uncover the truth about common grammar and usage myths, exploring things like passive voice, sentence fragments and split infinitives. Then, he explains when to bend or break these so-called rules (as well as which rules were never useful to begin with). Finally, one of the hardest aspects of editing is knowing when to stop. It’s all too easy to keep tinkering, tinkering, and reworking your writing until it becomes an endless cycle that never quite feels complete. With Molly’s guidance, you’ll learn when to stop editing yourself, when and how to work with outside editors for important steps like copyediting and proofreading, and how to push forward to get your work to the finish line. .
What you will learn in Effective Editing: How to Take Your Writing to the Next Level
Unlock the key to truly great writing by mastering editing skills
Improve your writing skills by learning the key elements of personal editing
Focus on sentence and paragraph level work
Course specifications Effective Editing: How to Take Your Writing to the Next Level
- Publisher: Thegreatcourses
- teacher: Molly McCowan
- Training level: beginner to advanced
- Training duration: 5 hours and 19 minutes
- Number of courses: 13
Course headings Effective Editing: How to Take Your Writing to the Next Level
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