Download Udemy – Angular Front To Back 2018-05

Angular Front To Back


The Angular Front To Back course helps you learn Angular 5 thoroughly by building a complex application. Angular is an open source platform for building mobile and desktop web applications led by the Angular team at Google. This course is suitable for all web developers at any level of knowledge and helps them learn how to work with Angular 5 from scratch.

The Angular Front To Back course starts with the basics and teaches how to build a development environment for Angular 5+ and set up the Angular CLI. Then, a test program is created and all topics related to Angular are explained in it. In the continuation of the course, more complex topics such as the user management system and how to identify using the platform Firebase Training is provided and at the end, how to store information in the Firestore system of the Firebase platform is discussed.

Items taught in this course:

  • Making awesome single page apps with Angular 5+
  • Complete familiarity with Angular concepts
  • Understanding the file and folder structure in an Angular application
  • Building a user management program using the Firebase file storage and authentication system
  • Bootstrap 4 integration with Angular projects

Angular Front To Back course specifications

  • English language
  • Duration: 11 hours and 25 minutes
  • Number of courses: 73
  • Instructor: Brad Traversy
  • File format: mp4

Course topics:

4 lectures

Setup & File Structure
5 lectures

Diving Into Components
7 lectures

Template Syntax
8 lectures

Events & Forms
7 lectures

Services, HTTP, Input & Output
9 lectures

Angular Router
6 lectures

DevLogger Project
9 lectures

Client Panel Project – Part 1
9 lectures

Client Panel Project – Part 2
9 lectures

Angular Front To Back course prerequisite

  • You should have a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript


Sample video

Installation guide

After extracting, watch with your favorite player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 320 MB

Password file(s):


1.32 GB

4.2/5 – (4993 points)

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