Building GUI Applications with Fyne and Go (Golang) is a training course for building professional applications with the Fyne toolkit and the Go (Golang) programming language, published by Udemy Academy. Go and Fyne are two very powerful tools for developing cross-platform applications and can help us in developing various programs for Mac, Windows and Linux operating systems. Creating desktop applications requires different skills and metrics that will be carefully discussed in this training course. With the advent of web applications, desktop applications have been largely overshadowed by the web world. The scope of these changes has been so wide that even the unit “Creating User Interface for Desktop” has been removed from universities.
Almost all developers prefer to go for web applications and avoid desktop applications for several reasons. But desktop applications still retain their importance and have an independent identity. Go is a powerful programming language that has grown in popularity over the past decade and is used by developers to develop REST APIs, server-side programming, and network applications.
What you will learn in the Building GUI Applications with Fyne and Go (Golang) training course:
- Working with Fyne Canvas and Fyne Windows
- Design and customize various widgets with Fyne
- Validation of user inputs
- Fetching data from external sources and servers
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Trevor Sawler
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 66
Training duration: 5 hours and 52 minutes
Course topics on 7/2022
Course prerequisites
Familiarity with the Go programming language
Mac or Windows computer and an Internet connection
Course images
Introduction video of Building GUI Applications with Fyne and Go (Golang) course
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
2 GB
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