Cryptocurrency Trading: Futures Trading Bootcamp (NEW 2022) is a training course for trading in cryptocurrency and futures markets, published by Udemy Academy. Day trading is a very popular job that, despite the high risks, can also have rich profits. During the process of this training course, you will work with the powerful Binance platform and you will see its various capabilities closely. This training course is completely comprehensive and contains a set of different topics such as technical analysis in different financial markets, psychology and its important role in financial markets and traders’ minds, registration in different exchanges including Binance, designing and developing strategies. and contains advanced trading setups and…
In the cryptocurrency market, you can benefit equally from the downward and upward trends, and in this regard, there are many opportunities for earning and trading. The principles and skills learned in this training course are applicable and implemented in almost all financial markets, including cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrencies, forex, stocks, ETFs, options, etc.
What you will learn in Cryptocurrency Trading: Futures Trading Bootcamp (NEW 2022):
- The principles of investment portfolio management and the development of trading strategies and setups
- Trading in the futures market
- Important terms and vocabulary in the field of trading and cryptocurrencies
- Quick detection and analysis of the market trend and whether it is bullish or bearish
- risk management
- Capital and money management
- Trade based on resistance and support lines
- Trade based on multiple Fibonacci ratios
- Trade based on trendline breakouts
- Trading with moving averages
- Working with Bollinger Bands
- Different types of oscillators and indicators
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Wealthy Education
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 74
Training duration: 7 hours and 11 minutes
Course headings
Prerequisites of the course Cryptocurrency Trading: Futures Trading Bootcamp (NEW 2022)
A FREE TradingView Account for Chart Analysis
Strong desire of getting rich and retiring early
Passion and Enthusiasm for Learning
Don’t Skip Any Lessons (All lessons are important!)
No Fundamental or Technical Knowledge required to take this course!
Everyone can learn to become successful in the cryptocurrency market!
Course images
Cryptocurrency Trading: Futures Trading Bootcamp course introduction video (NEW 2022)
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
3.1 GB
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