Electronics course for Arduino and pi Students (+Projects) is an educational course for electronic engineering students and those interested in the world of programming electronic circuits, published by Udemy Academy. This course is designed based on Arduino and Raspberry Pi programming and does not require any basic knowledge of electricity and electronics. In this training course, almost all the basics and principles of the field of electronic engineering such as resistance, working with test fiber, soldering, etc. are covered and it can directly introduce you to the world of electronic engineering. The educational process of this course does not end with the basics and basic topics, and at the end of the course, you will get to know other software related to the field of electronics, especially offline and online simulator software.
What you will learn in Electronics course for Arduino and pi Students (+Projects):
- Basic concepts and elements in the basics of electronic engineering
- The voltage division network in the circuit and the use of different sensors next to it
- Different types of capacitors and their uses
- Arc circuit
- Testing BJT transistors and diagnosing its bases
- Building an automation and smart home system based on information recovery principles
- Construction of a water level and height detection system and automatic water pump controller
- How the relay works and how to use single and multi-channel relay modules
- Making a dedicated relay module
- Making a dedicated power supply with 5V and 12V outputs
- How to solder different elements on the board
- How to use jumper wire and test fiber
- Connecting Arduino codes with proteus simulation software
- Getting to know the concepts of voltage, current and resistance and the relationship between them
- Familiarity with resistance calculations
- Application and how to use transistors in electronic circuit
- Building a simple fire extinguishing system
- Working with voltage regulator
- AC to DC voltage conversion
- Application of different ICs 555ic, 4017, HT12D and HT12E
Course details
Publisher: Yodmi
teacher: E’Lord Technology Teslim-Amin
English language
Training level: introductory to advanced
Number of courses: 167
Training duration: 16 hours and 42 minutes
Course headings
Prerequisites for Electronics course for Arduino and pi Students (+Projects)
No previous knowledge is needed.
Course images
Course introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
13.9 GB
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