Essential Academic English: Prefixes & Suffixes is a specialized English language course for academic and university environments: Prefixes and Suffixes published by Udemy Academy. Learning the structure of word formation in different languages is very important and can facilitate the process of learning and internalizing it. In English, prefixes and suffixes are added to simple words and create new words with different meanings. Learning these prefixes and suffixes is very important. English language is one of the compulsory subjects for students of various fields. Very competitive job markets and rising standards of various tests are among the things that make English very important and influential.
This training course uses various educational aids such as animations to teach topics related to prefixes and suffixes. Each of the words has a specific grammatical structure and pronunciation, which are mandatory to learn. Learning languages directly affects almost all four areas of language skills, i.e. speaking, writing, listening and speaking. Vands are neglected in different educational approaches and programs, but they are very important for language learners and all language learners with any purpose and at any level should get the necessary familiarity with them.
What you will learn in the Essential Academic English: Prefixes & Suffixes course:
- Improving academic understanding of English
- Academic writing
- Different words and ways of pronouncing them
- Grammatical structure of verbs
- Improve speaking skills
- Preparing students to participate in various English proficiency tests
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Daniel Owen
English language
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 52
Training duration: 4 hours and 16 minutes
Course headings
Essential Academic English: Prefixes & Suffixes course prerequisites
You should be able to hold a conversation at an intermediate level or B1 grading (CEFR).
You should want to improve your English.
Course images
Essential Academic English: Prefixes & Suffixes introduction video
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
Subtitle: None
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
1.3 GB
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