Kotlin Multiplatform Masterclass – KMP, KMM – Android, iOS, iOS and Android application development training course with KMP is published by Udemy Academy. Learn how to build native iOS and Android apps while sharing infrastructure and business logic. Do you follow dozens of forums and articles and buy courses to take your skills and career to the next level? Me too, but often, after completing them I realize there is still a lot of work to do to connect all the pieces and make them work on a real production level application.
I found that even though a course provides a comprehensive knowledge of networking with Ktor, it doesn’t combine it with clean architecture, dependency injection or a local DB with SQL Delight. And because another course on SQL Delight was extensive, the rest of the best practices aren’t available. After buying courses, reading articles and forums, I combined KMP best practices into a single course to put together a real production plan. My approach is to put together an application that can be copied and used in your real work. Kotlin Multiplatform is now considered stable and ready for use in production-level Android applications. Unlike other cross-platform applications with KMP, you can remove the benefits of native and cross-platform solutions. KMP allows you to build native UI using Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI while sharing all business logic, infrastructure and boilerplate code.
What you will learn
- Build native Android apps
- Build native iOS apps
- Share business logic, provisioning logic and infrastructure with KMP
- Network with Ktor
- Dependency injection with Koin
- Integrate a local database into KMP with SQL Delight
- Coroutines for concurrent programming
- Build Android UI with Jetpack Compose
- Build iOS UI with SwiftUI
- Clean architecture and MVI
- State flow and reactive programming
Who is this course suitable for?
- Android developers
- iOS developers
- Mobile developers
- Mobile architects
Specifications of Kotlin Multiplatform Masterclass course – KMP, KMM – Android, iOS
- Publisher: Udemy
- teacher : Petros Efthymiou
- English language
- Education level: all levels
- Number of courses: 86
- Training duration: 5 hours and 21 minutes
At the beginning of the course seasons in 2024-1
Course prerequisites
- Programming experience is nice to have but not required. You will learn everything you need to know.
- A laptop that is able to run Android Studio
- If you want to build and test the iOS app you will need a Mac. You can still build and run the Android and KMP apps on any laptop without a Mac.
Sample video
Installation guide
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English subtitle
Quality: 720p
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1.94 GB
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