Download Udemy – Mastering REST APIs with FastAPI 2023-10

Mastering REST APIs with FastAPI


Mastering REST APIs with FastAPI course. With FastAPI, you can build complete, high-performance APIs in days, and adding new features is very fast. This is why FastAPI has become so popular in recent years. In this course, I’ll show you how to go from a blank page to a complete and finished FastAPI application.

Project: We will create social media API with user authentication, email sending and file upload. Users can register and login using Bearer Tokens (JWT). They can create posts, comment and like existing posts. We will be using Pydantic for data validation and coding/databases as our database connection library.

Advanced knowledge: Use background tasks in FastAPI to improve performance when running slow code, such as when sending email (covered in the course) or when making slow requests to third-party APIs (also covered). Throughout the course we use a synchronous database library, again to maximize performance, which is nevertheless simple to use. You will learn about different types of data relationships and how to model them, including many-to-many relationships. You’ll learn how to manage file uploads and what to do with uploaded files, so you don’t run out of server space.

Complete API testing: Finally, 100% of the code in this course is tested. You will use pytest extensively to write integration and unit tests for the API. You will learn about pytest fixtures, parameterization, and test conventions. Part of real-world development means logging! This course covers a lot of logging knowledge, including how to properly configure the logging module, when to make logging calls, and where to store logs when deploying your application.

Deployments: Of course, I’ll show you how to run your own FastAPI application using the popular Render service. You can run your own FastAPI app for free, but I’ll also show you some paid options to improve performance. We’ll also look at application management, bug management with Sentry, and CI/CD with GitHub Actions. If you’re using or want to use FastAPI, this course covers everything you need to develop full-fledged APIs. Let’s get started. I see you from the inside!

What you will learn in the Mastering REST APIs with FastAPI course

  • Gain extensive experience with FastAPI

  • Learn how to test FastAPI applications using Pytest with 100% test coverage

  • Log in to a master with the login module

  • Add user authentication with password hashes and bearer tokens

  • Use an asynchronous SQL database and model one-to-many and many-to-many relationships

  • Send user emails when they sign up without performance hit using background tasks

  • Manage file uploads and save them to a third-party service

  • Deploy your FastAPI applications in the cloud

This course is suitable for people who

  • Software developers looking to expand their skill sets by learning to develop professional FAST APIs
  • Students who want to expand the capabilities of mobile and web applications using server-side technologies

Mastering REST APIs with FastAPI course specifications

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher: Jose Salvatierra
  • Training level: beginner to advanced
  • Training duration: 8 hours and 48 minutes
  • Number of courses: 81

Headlines of the Mastering REST APIs with FastAPI course on 12/2023

Mastering REST APIs with FastAPI course prerequisites

  • Some prior programming experience in any programming language.
  • All software used in the course is provided, and completely free
  • Complete beginners may wish to take a beginner Python course first, and then transition to this course afterwards

Course images

Mastering REST APIs with FastAPI

Sample video of the course

Installation guide

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Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 1 GB

Download part 3 – 1 GB

Download part 4 – 101 MB

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