Download Udemy – Official Next Js Tutorial Code Along – React Web Development 2023-9

Official Next Js Tutorial Code Along - React Web Development


Official Next Js Tutorial Code Along course – React Web Development. Next Js programming is a job skill in high demand today for web development and this course focuses on what companies are really looking for as a developer. Next.js is the most popular React framework for building high performance and scalable web applications. Companies like Netflix, Airbnb, and Twitch use it to power their websites and apps. But why is the main question here, the purpose of this course is to guide you forward. This code course is from the official Next Js training provided by Vercel to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date Next.js training on Udemy. It’s designed to teach you everything you need to know to build high-performance, scalable React web apps with Next.js. There are many developers who use Next Js simply because of its maintainable code structures and default routing benefits, or because their teams use it without really knowing how to exploit its true potential to create efficient web applications. and use in industry at low speed.

  • React Fundamentals: Developing Core React components and state management with Virtual Dom including CSR practices and hydration hybrids.
  • Next.js Basics: Learn core Next.js concepts, such as server-side rendering (SSR), client-side rendering (CSR), static site generation (SSG), and static incremental reconstruction (ISR).
  • Pre-Rendering: Understand how Next.js previews pages to improve performance and SEO.
  • Dynamic Routes: Learn how to create dynamic routes in Next.js to handle different types of content, such as blog posts, product pages, and user profiles.
  • Industry Best Practices: Discover best practices for developing real-world Next.js applications.
  • What makes this course different from others? Comprehensive coverage: This course covers pre-rendering, SSR, CSR, dynamic routing, and everything else that makes Next.js so powerful. It will give you the knowledge and skills you need to demonstrate in job interviews why Next.js is so valuable and how to put it to practical use.
  • Hands-on learning: You’ll code with an instructor to build a fully deployed blog CMS with dynamic routing and SSR. At the end of the course, you will have an active blog that you can deploy to production.
  • Solid foundation: This course covers React JavaScript essentials such as destruction, closures, state, and components, as well as key principles of web development from DOM to virtual DOM. This makes a great course for beginners who want to learn Next.js, as well as more experienced developers who want to learn more about the latest Next.js features and best practices.
  • Modular format: This course is a code along with the step-by-step course, but in a modular format. This means that advanced developers can easily skip the videos that are early updates and focus only on the parts that interest them.

Why am I the right teacher for you? My name is Klarian, I have worked for over 15 years as a senior engineer with top tech and entertainment companies around the world, a technology developer, a co-founder of millions of businesses built from scratch, a consultant in the space for billion dollar tech companies, And I am absolutely passionate and committed to what I teach. My training and programming courses are published worldwide, including in prestigious computer science publications such as Safari O’Reilly. Recently, I have been spending time creating comprehensive training models with clear explanations to help others evolve and grow by demystifying common misconceptions and pitfalls.

Junior to Senior: Progressively advanced subjects: Starting at junior level, we guide you through a carefully designed learning path, ensuring you build a strong foundation. We’ll cover the basics of React and Next Js, gradually moving on to more advanced topics that will prepare you to tackle complex real-world projects.

What will you learn in this course?

  • Principles of web development:
  • Miniaturization
  • Code packaging
  • Code splitting
  • Run Time Envs
  • Compilers and engines
  • Javascript Essentials
  • Dom Fundamentals
  • Basics of Next.js:
  • Server Side Rendering (SSR)
  • Client Side Rendering (CSR)
  • Static site generation (SSG)
  • Incremental Static Reconstruction (ISR)
  • Routing
  • Layouts
  • Fetch data
  • expansion
  • Pre-rendering:
  • How Next.js prerenders pages
  • Advantages of pre-rendering
  • How to pre-render pages in Next.js
  • Dynamic routes:
  • What are dynamic routes?
  • How to create dynamic routes in Next.js
  • Advantages of using dynamic routes
  • Industry best practices
  • How to structure your Next.js and React apps
  • How to write reusable code
  • How to optimize your Next.js apps for performance and SEO
  • Creating a blog CMS program:
  • Create a new Next.js project
  • Set up routing and layout
  • Fetch data from an API
  • Displaying data in React components
  • Deploy the application in production
  • GitHub for real-world streaming:
  • What is GitHub?
  • How to create a GitHub repository
  • How to push and merge code
  • How to use code review
  • Key Essentials of React JavaScript:
  • under destruction
  • Closure
  • state of
  • components

Who will take this lesson? This course is ideal for:

  • Beginners who want to learn Next.js
  • Experienced developers who want to learn more about the latest Next.js features and best practices

You are sitting in a job interview for a React developer position. The interviewer will ask you about your experience with Next.js. You’re not just saying that it’s a framework for React that provides a default structure for code. Instead, you confidently explain core Next.js concepts such as SSR, CSR, SSG, and ISR. You also talk about the benefits of using Next.js to build high performance and scalable web applications. The interviewer is impressed

What you will learn in Official Next Js Tutorial Code Along – React Web Development course

  • Fundamentals of Web Development: Minification, Code Packaging, Code Splitting, Runtime Environments, Compilers and Engines, JavaScript and DOM Essentials

  • Next Js Basics: Routing, Layout, Data Fetching and Deployment

  • Industry-level best practices: How to develop and structure Next js and React projects and optimize web applications

  • Github real-world simulation exercise: How to use GitHub to create repositories, push and merge code, and use code review.

  • Learn the core concepts of Next js including: SSR to CSR and ISR

  • Learn how to pre-render with Next Js to improve web development performance

  • Job skills in demand for Next Js

This course is suitable for people who

  • Young developers looking to build a strong foundation in Next Js and advance their React skills.
  • Intermediate React developers looking to master Next Js and excel in high-level React and Next js interviews.
  • Senior web developers aiming to stay up to date with modern Next Js concepts and industry requirements.
  • Developers looking to increase their understanding of advanced Next Js topics such as rendering, dynamic routing, and more.

Specifications of the Official Next Js Tutorial Code Along course – React Web Development

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher: Clarian North
  • Training level: beginner to advanced
  • Training duration: 10 hours and 11 minutes
  • Number of courses: 91

Course headings Official Next Js Tutorial Code Along – React Web Development

Official Next Js Tutorial Code Along course prerequisites – React Web Development

  • No programming experience needed, however Web Development fundamentals and JavaScript a big plus

Course images

Official Next Js Tutorial Code Along - React Web Development

Sample video of the course

Installation guide

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Quality: 720p

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