Download Udemy – Practical Linux Command Line 2.0 2024-1

Practical Linux Command Line 2.0


Practical Linux Command Line 2.0 course. Are you learning how to use the Linux command line, but feel lost? Or, are you already a Linux user and want a quick refresher on the basics? And you prefer to learn using educational materials inspired by real life experience? → This Linux 2.0 command line course is for you. You don’t need to know anything about Linux to get started. If you don’t have access to a Linux machine yet, I’ll start from scratch and even provide instructions for installing a Linux operating system on a virtual machine. This course works on any Linux system: Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, and… MacOS! Yes, MacOS is actually based on Linux. The basic concepts are the same for all Linux versions, maybe just a few differences in the commands that I will explain. Why this course? My goal is that you can get a solid Linux command line foundation quickly, in just a few hours, and maybe not be confused for a few months/years before you really “get it”. This Linux command line foundation will help you with anything related to IT: web or software development, data science, machine learning, robotics, system administration, and more. And there are a lot of things that sound fancy, but are a waste of time, especially when you’re starting out. So I will teach you what I actually use. You don’t need to learn 150 commands to get started. With just a few items and good understanding, you can go a long way. How do I teach?

  • Step by Step: Each section, each lesson, builds on the previous section in a clean and orderly manner. 1 lesson = 1 small step towards mastering the Linux command line.
  • Keep things simple: As an engineer, I know it’s tempting to overcomplicate things to show you that I know a lot. My philosophy for almost anything is: the simpler the better. By keeping things simple, you won’t feel overwhelmed.
  • Practical: without complex theoretical explanations, I directly write the commands and explain them at the same time. And I encourage you to write the commands yourself as well.
  • Tip: If I can explain something in 5 minutes, I won’t produce a 15 minute video to make the course seem longer.
  • Practical: I teach you what you really need to know about Linux using concrete examples to do what you really need to do. I’ll also give you some extra exercises to practice on key concepts you’ll be using a lot.

What will you learn/do in the course?

First, if you don’t have access to a Linux operating system, I’ll show you step-by-step how to install Ubuntu on a virtual machine, with a minimal and clean boot.

Once you’ve got your Linux OS ready to go, we jump right in and learn how to:

  • Navigating and understanding the Linux file system
  • Create and manage your files and folders
  • Write to the files using the command line text editor (Nano).
  • Change files and user permissions
  • Install and update the software
  • Monitor Linux processes and computer resources
  • Connect to a Linux machine remotely using SSH

Bonus: On top of all this, you’ll also learn how to improve your terminal performance by using auto-completion, pipes, search tools, keyboard shortcuts, multi-terminal setup, and more. See you in the course! 🙂

What you will learn in the Practical Linux Command Line 2.0 course

  • Master the basics of the Linux command line

  • Be confident when using the Linux terminal

  • Be able to work on any project that requires the use of Linux

  • Navigate the Linux file system

  • Create, delete, copy files and folders

  • Edit the files in the terminal with the nano text editor

  • Manage files and user permissions

  • Install and update Linux packages

  • Monitor processes and resources

  • Connect to a remote Linux terminal with SSH

  • Use terminal shortcuts for more speed

  • Work with multiple terminal windows simultaneously

  • Differences between Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS and MacOS

  • Apply best practices from the start

  • Learn by doing practical lessons

This course is suitable for people who

  • Complete beginners who want to really understand what they are doing and want to get the “why” behind the Linux command line.
  • Linux users who want fast and accurate updates.
  • Anyone who wants to work in IT, because well, the Linux command line is everywhere and you can’t ignore it.

Specifications of the Practical Linux Command Line 2.0 course

  • Publisher: Udemy
  • teacher: Edouard Renard, Codestars
  • Training level: beginner to advanced
  • Training duration: 3 hours and 38 minutes
  • Number of courses: 40

Course headings

Practical Linux Command Line 2.0 course prerequisites

  • A computer and a strong will to learn, that’s it!

Course images

Practical Linux Command Line 2.0

Sample video of the course

Installation guide

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English subtitle

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 1 GB

Download part 2 – 276 MB

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