VMProtect is a software to protect executable files. Developers work hard to implement a software. They put a software lock, license and various security methods on it, but there are always people who try to bypass these security covers with various tools and tricks. These saboteurs, who are usually called crackers, destroy them by analyzing the executable file and identifying the security parts, or fill them with fake information, and after penetrating the program, they publish their solution in the form of a small patch on the Internet. broadcast and other people can easily use the software by running the patch and without paying.
No programmer wants such a disaster to happen to him. On the other hand, 100% security is not possible in the software, that’s why the only thing we can do is to make it difficult for crackers. We shouldn’t let the cracker easily drive the throttle to his target on a flat road. We have to fill this road with rocks and bumps as much as possible. Many programs are designed for this purpose, one of the good programs in this field is VMProtect. This software makes it very difficult to analyze and check the code by running the code in a virtual machine with a non-standard architecture.
This program is also able to protect the executable files you want using serial and trial versions. For example, you plan to provide a three-day trial version of your application to users. In the settings section of this program, you enter three days of trial use and leave the rest to it. The executable file will stop working after three days and the user must buy the program to continue the activity. This program supports all kinds of executable formats and dll libraries, and the protected files can be run on all versions of Windows from Windows 95 and up. Be careful, this program is not able to protect .NET files!
Features and features of VMProtect Ultimate software:
- Support for all types of 32-bit and 64-bit executable files, dlls, drivers, Active X components, screensavers and other PE formats
- File protection in all versions of Windows, even Windows 95
- Ability to add serial number and trial versions of the program
- The possibility of adding a license to the program
- Beautiful user interface and easy operation
- It has a console version for use in automatic build
- And …
required system
VMProtect Web License Manager requires PHP5 and MySQL, so it works on almost any standard Linux hosting. The installation process is straightforward and does not require any specific skills.
Installation guide
Available versions are activated.
download link
Download VMProtect ULTIMATE 3.8.1 Build 1695 x64
Download VMProtect ULTIMATE 3.5.0 Build 1213 x64
Download VMProtect Ultimate 3.3.1 Build 1076 x86 Retail
Download VMProtect Ultimate 3.2.0 Build 976
Download VMProtect_Ultimate 3.0.9 Build 695 REPACK Multilingual
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
32 MB
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