Download WebSupergoo ABCocr / ABCpdf 11.314 / ImageGlue 7.504

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WebSupergoo offers products suitable for websites and Windows servers, this company was founded in 1999 and has had more than thousands of customers, in the large business levels, this company has had prominent customers such as Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard. In this package, there are three valuable components for .net programmers, which include the following:

ImageGlue .net: It provides the possibility to create, edit and manage quality images for your website. This product is a complete toolbox for creating dynamic images. You can easily communicate with this component using C#, VB or ASP language. This component is completely designed based on FCL.NET family classes. It can work with 80 image formats such as BMP, PNG, TIFF, JPEG/JFIF, GIF, Photoshop, QuickDraw PICT, Targa, PDF, EPS, Macromedia Flash™ 5, QuickTime Image, Silicon Graphics, MacPaint, FlashPix and JPEG2000. An interesting component to support OCR or optical chaWebSupergooracter recognition. The stability of this component is very high, so you will not encounter crashes, bugs, etc. ABCOCR has brought a high level of speed and productivity to programmers by taking power from multi-core processing.


ABCpdf .net: An excellent component for creating dynamic PDF documents with the ability to convert HTML files to PDF with CSS support, some important features of this component: support for PDF/AT documents, support for large and bulky PDF documents, the possibility of optimizing and reducing the size of documents compatibility with PostScript for importing and exporting EPS, supporting Word, Excel and PowerPoint, supporting XPS, WPF, having different effects for images and many other features.

WebSupergoo has designed experimental websites to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of these components, which you can use in Here look. It should be mentioned that all WebSupergoo products are properly documented and wherever you encounter a problem, you can easily solve your problem by referring to the documentation.

required system

Windows Vista • Windows Vista 64 bit • Windows 7 • Windows 7 64 bit • Windows 8 • Windows 8 64 bit • Windows 10 • Windows 10 64 bit


Installation guide

Use the serial in the Serial.txt file to register the software.

Download link (new versions at the top of the list)

Download WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 11.314 x86

Download WebSupergoo ABCpdf DotNET 11.314 x64

Download WebSupergoo ImageGlue DotNET 7.504 x86

Download WebSupergoo ImageGlue DotNET 7.504 x64

Download WebSupergoo ABCocr DotNET

Password file(s):


140 + 84 + 40 MB

4.9/5 – (13995 points)

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