Gemcom GEMS
Engineering and specialization

Download Gemcom GEMS 6.5 + New Crack

Description Gemcom GEMS is a software in the field of group geology and mine planning. GEMS software provides solutions for professional mining of underground mines in exploration, modeling, mine design, long-term planning and production scheduling. […]

CAE Datamine Studio
Engineering and specialization

Download CAE Datamine Studio 3.21.7164.0

Description CAE Datamine Studio is a software for simulating and providing training programs for a wide range of mining equipment and types of open and underground operations. From exploration to resource modeling, optimization, mine design, […]

Download VisSim 6.0 + Addons
Engineering and specialization

Download VisSim 6.0 + Addons

Description VisSim is the fastest and easiest solution for simulating dynamic systems and model-oriented design of embedded systems. VisSim is up to 10 times faster than other competitor simulation products. This product is actually a […]

The Unscrambler X
Engineering and specialization

Download The Unscrambler X 10.4

Description The Unscrambler X is a powerful software in the field of multivariate data analysis, in its new version you can easily design your experiments and tests using the Design of Expert feature. This software […]