Download Coursera – Secure Coding Practices Specialization 2022-12

Secure Coding Practices Specialization


Secure Coding Practices Specialization is a secure coding and programming training series published by Coursera Online University. This educational collection was produced in partnership with Coursera Online University and the University of California and is of very high quality. Safe programming techniques and the development of applications and software with a high level of security are very important for various companies. During this training course, you should learn to think exactly like hackers and predict their destructive operations in advance. Securing and protecting data is very important for various organizations and companies.

Modeling various threats and bugs, encryption or cryptography, identifying vulnerabilities in Java, C++, and C++ applications, etc. are among the most important skills you will learn in this training series.

What you will learn in the Secure Coding Practices Specialization training series:

  • Cyber ​​Security
  • Java programming language
  • Safe and security-oriented programming and development
  • C and C++ programming languages
  • Cryptography
  • Different authentication methods
  • Identifying and diagnosing vulnerabilities and bugs in a program
  • Various methods of improving the safety of applications
  • Basic familiarity with common bugs and vulnerabilities
  • And …

Course details

Publisher: Coursera
Instructor: Matthew Bishop, Sandra Escandor-O’Keefe and Joubin Jabbari
English language
Providing institution/university: University of California, Davis
Education level: Intermediate
Number of courses: 4
Duration of training: assuming 4 hours of work per week, about 4 months

Courses in the Secure Coding Practices Specialization collection

Course 1

Principles of Secure Coding

Course 2

Identifying Security Vulnerabilities

Course 3

Identifying Security Vulnerabilities in C/C++ Programming

Course 4

Exploiting and Securing Vulnerabilities in Java Applications

Course prerequisites

What background knowledge is necessary?

  • Familiar with the Software Development Lifecycle.
  • Fluent in one or more coding languages ​​(including web front-end development languages.)
  • For Java course, Fluent in Java.
  • For C/C++ course, Fluent in C/C++.

Do I need to take the courses in a specific order?

We recommend you start with Principles of Secure Coding and then move to Identifying Security Vulnerabilities. The other two courses can be taken in either order.


Sample video of Secure Coding Practices Specialization

Installation guide

After extracting, watch with your favorite player.

English subtitle

Quality: 720p

This educational series consists of 4 separate courses.

download link

Principles of Secure Coding

Download the course – 291 MB

Identifying Security Vulnerabilities

Download the course – 486 MB

Identifying Security Vulnerabilities in C/C++ Programming

Download the course – 636 MB

Exploiting and Securing Vulnerabilities in Java Applications

Download the course – 632 MB

Password file(s):

The size of the files

About 2.1 GB in total

4.5/5 – (1328 points)

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