Download Nomad Coders – Uber Clone – Typescript, NodeJS, GraphQL, React, Apollo 2022-6

Uber Clone - Typescript NodeJS GraphQL React Apollo


Uber Clone – Typescript, NodeJS, GraphQL, React, Apollo Uber Clone course with Typescript, NodeJS, GraphQL, React, Apollo is published by Nomadcoders Academy. In this course, you will simulate the Uber system from the beginning to the end (backend, frontend and release). You will experience creating a global service at all levels of programming. Users can download Google map data, send and receive local vehicle information, and chat between driver and customer in real time. Clone Coding is a way to study, create and follow functional services such as Instagram and YouTube. There is no faster and more effective way to learn how to create a real service.

Technologies used in the backend:

Graphql Yoga, Express, TypeORM, Bcrypt, Mailgun, JWT, Twilio, Postgresql, Cloudinary, Heroku

Technologies used in the front end:

React, Typescript, Styled Components, Popmotion, Google Maps Javascript SDK

What you will learn

  • Create real-time interactions between users.
  • Building a multipurpose application in the real world
  • Download Google Maps data
  • Ihad chat service

Uber Clone Course Specifications – Typescript, NodeJS, GraphQL, React, Apollo

  • Publisher: Nomad Coders
  • teacher: Nico
  • English language
  • Training level: advanced
  • Number of courses: 182
  • Training duration: 22 hours and 42 minutes

Head of the seasons

# Requirements
# Whatareweusing
# ProjectSetup-Git&Installation
# ProjectSetupTypescriptandNodeJS
# GraphQLYogaandExpressPartTwo
# APIandSchemaStructurePartOne
# APIandSchemaStructurePartTwo
# GraphqlToTypescript
# TypecheckingGraphqlArguments
# ConfiguringTypeORM
# CreatingaVirtualEnvironmentNodeJS
# UserEntityGraphQLType
# UserEntitypartOne
# UserEntitypartTwo
# HashingandEncryptingUserPasswords
# VerifyingUserPassword
# VerificationEntitypartOne
# UsingTypesontheEntities
# CreatingtheVerificationKey
# PlaceEntity
# RideEntity
# ModelRelationshipslikeaBoss
# ResolverTypes
# TestingtheFacebookConnectResolver
# EmailSignInResolverpartOne
# EmailSignInResolverPartTwo
# StartPhoneVerificationResolverpartOne
# StartPhoneVerificationResolverPartTwo
# StartPhoneVerificationResolverpartThree:SendingSMS
# CompletePhoneVerificationpartOne
# CompletePhoneVerificationpartTwo
# EmailSignUpResolver
# CreatingCustomJWT
# AuthenticatingUserswithCustomJWT
# TestingAuthenticationResolvers
# CustomAuthMiddlewareonExpressPartOne
# CustomAuthMiddlewareonExpressPartTwo
# UsingResolverContextforAuthentication
# GetMyProfileResolver
# Protecting Resolvers with Middlewares
# SendingConfirmationEmailpartOne
# SendingConfirmationEmailPartTwo
# SendingConfirmationEmailpartThree
# TestingEmailSending
# RequestEmailVerificationResolver
# CompleteEmailVerificationResolver
# TestingEmailVerificationResolvers
# UpdateMyProfileResolverpartOne
# UpdateMyProfileResolverpartTwo
# UpdateMyProfileResolverBugFixing
# ToggleDrivingModeResolver
# ReportMovementResolver
# AddPlaceResolver
# EditPlaceResolver
# DeletePlaceResolver
# GetMyPlacesResolverandTesting
# GetNearbyDriversResolverPartOne
# GetNearbyDriversResolverPartTwo
# DriversSubscriptionPartOne
# DriversSubscriptionPartTwo
# AuthenticatingWebSocketSubscriptionspartOne
# AuthenticatingWebSocketSubscriptionspartTwo
# FilteringSubscriptionMessages
# FilteringSubscriptionMessagespartTwo
# RequestRideResolver
# GetNearbyRidesResolver
# NearbyRideSubscription
# UpdateRideStatusResolverpartOne
# UpdateRideStatusResolverPartTwo
# GetRideResolver
# RideStatusSubscription
# TestingtheRideStatusSubscription
# GetChatResolver
# BugFixing
# TestingGetChatResolver
# SendChatMessageResolver
# MessageSubscription
# BackendConclusions
# CreateReactAppwithTypescript
# ApolloSetuppartOne
# ApolloSetuppartTwo
# ApolloSetuppartThree
# ApolloSetupRecap
# ConnectingLocalStatetoComponents
# TypescriptandReactComponents
# TypescriptandStyledComponentsPartOne
# TypescriptandStyledComponentsPartTwo
# GlobalStylesSetUp
# PlanningtheRoutes
# RouterandRoutes
# OutHomeComponent
# LoginComponentandReactHelmet
# RouteComponentsReview
# InputsandTypescriptpartOne
# InputsandTypescriptpartTwo
# NotificationswithReactToastify
# PhoneLoginMutationpartOne
# MagicwithApolloCodegen
# PhoneLoginMutationpartTwo
# PhoneLoginMutationpartThree
# VerifyPhoneScreen
# TestingthePhoneLoginScreenandRedirecting
# VerifyPhoneMutationpartOne
# VerifyPhoneMutationpartTwo
# UpdatingLocalState
# HomeSidebarComponent
# HomeSidebarQuery
# HomeSidebarQuerypartTwo
# UpdatingDriverModepartOne
# UpdatingDriverModepartTwo
# EditProfileScreenPartOne
# EditProfileScreenPartTwo
# EditProfileScreenPartThree
# UploadingProfilePhototoCloudinarypartOne()
# UploadingProfilePhototoCloudinarypartOne()
# UploadingProfilePhototoCloudinaryPartTwo
# SettingsScreenpartOne
# SettingsScreenpartTwo
# Places+AddPlaceComponents
# AddPlaceMutation
# EditPlaceMutation
# GoogleMapsandReactPartOne
# GoogleMapsandGeolocation
# GoogleMapEvents
# ReverseGeocodingpartOne
# ReverseGeocodingpartTwo
# Geocoding part one
# GeocodingpartTwo
# RefactoringAddPlace
# HomeScreenUserMarker
# HomeScreenMovingwiththeUser
# HomeScreenCreatingRouteMarkers
# HomeScreenGettingDirectionspartOne
# HomeScreenGettingDirectionsPartTwo
# CalculatingthePrice
# ReportLocationwithHOC
# NearbyDriversQuery
# NearbyDriversQuerypartTwo
# DrawingNearbyDriversPartOne
# DrawingNearbyDriversPartTwo
# DrawingNearbyDriversPartThree
# EjectingfromApolloBoost
# RequestRideMutation
# GetRideQueryPartOne
# GetRideQuerypartTwo
# RideStatusSubscription
# RideStatusSubscriptionPartTwo
# ChatScreenQuery
# ChatScreenMutation
# ChatScreenSubscription
# ChatScreenSubscriptionpartTwo
# FrontendConclusions
# DeployingtoNowpartOne
# DeployingtoNowPartTwo
# Bugfixesandconclusions
# Introduction
# BuildingforproductionpartOne
# Heroku
# HerokuandDatabases

Course prerequisites

  • An average understanding of JS is required
  • An intermediate or better understanding of TYPESCRIPT!
  • An intermediate or higher understanding of React is required.
  • Medium or high level GRAPHQL, understanding of APOLLO is required.


Sample video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 4 GB

Download part 2 – 4 GB

Download part 3-4 gigabytes

Download part 4 – 4 GB

Download part 5 – 4 GB

Download part 6 – 4 GB

Download part 7 – 4 GB

Download part 8 – 2.15 GB

Password file(s):


30.1 GB

4.1/5 – (4903 points)

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