Complete JavaScript Full Stack Course 2022 From A – Z is a full stack web programming and development course with JavaScript published by Yodemy Academy. This training course is completely project-oriented and will explain to you the design and development process of 10 practical and practical projects. According to the latest information from the job market of programmers, JavaScript is the most popular and in-demand programming language for server-side and client-side development of websites and applications, and the demand is increasing day by day. JavaScript is present in almost all fields and platforms, such as the Internet of Things, etc., but its main use is the development of web applications. JavaScript is a great language to start programming and it can bring you many job and educational opportunities.
This training course will explain all the topics and capabilities of JavaScript in depth and will introduce you to the special and attractive details of this language. Various libraries and frameworks have been developed based on JavaScript, such as React, View, Angular, Assault, etc., and to start working with these platforms, you have to learn JavaScript in depth. JavaScript has been extended to the server using NodeJS, and it is practically possible to easily design light and medium web applications with one language and in a completely integrated environment.
What you will learn in the Complete JavaScript Full Stack Course 2022 From A – Z:
- Variables and their types in JavaScript programming language
- Operators and Operators
- Conditional statements and commands
- Rings and loops
- Types of data types in JavaScript
- Strings and string values in JavaScript
- Objects and arrays
- Functions in JavaScript programming language and their types
- Features added to JavaScript core in ES6, ES7 and ES8 versions
- Error management in JavaScript web applications
- Regular Expression
- Object-oriented programming with JavaScript
- Asynchronous Functions
- Document Object Model (DOM)
- Working with API in JavaScript programming
- MongoDB databases
- Determining the level of access and authentication in JavaScript applications
- Node JS project-based training
- Express framework project-oriented training
- React framework project-oriented training
Course details
Publisher: Yudmi
teacher: Kazi Ariyan And Easy Learning
English language
Education level: introductory
Number of courses: 297
Training duration: 33 hours and 41 minutes
Course headings
Prerequisites of the Complete JavaScript Full Stack Course 2022 From A – Z
A Windows, MacOS, or Linux-based computer is required
Basic Idea in HTML & CSS
Course images
Video introducing the Complete JavaScript Full Stack Course 2022 From A – Z
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
15.4 GB
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