Download Udemy – Django DRF Project: eCommerce RESTful API 2023-1

Django DRF Project: eCommerce


Django DRF Project: eCommerce Django training course in the DRF project (Django REST framework): e-commerce published by Yodemy Academy. Towards building and testing a relaxing e-commerce API with the Django REST framework. Developing applications can be a fun and effective way to learn a language and framework. In this course, in phase 1, we start building and testing an e-commerce inventory RESTful API with DRF (Django REST framework). This course is primarily designed for those looking to build applications with Django Rest, develop, test, and document a RESTful API.

Currently, this course presents our first iteration of this course and Phase 1 of the development process. The course evolves and expands over time with iterative content to maximize learning opportunities. As presented in step 1 of the course, we start the project and start building and testing the core functionality of the RESTful API application. In Phase 1, we’ll learn the basics of the Django Rest Python framework, design a database, implement testing across the application, and work to build our first endpoints while automatically documenting our efforts. At the end of Phase 1, you’ll learn how to start a new Django DRF project and create routers, serializers, and view collections so clients can interact with your API. During the development process, we learn how to test our application using Pytest and document our endpoints in preparation for front-end development using SwaggerUI.

What you will learn in the Django DRF Project: eCommerce course:

  • Phase 1 – Get the new Django app and Django DRF up and running.
  • Phase 1 – Design, implement and iterate on a complex database design
  • Phase 1 – Implement Routers Viewsets and Serializers to create API endpoints for client interactions
  • Phase 1 – Implement serializer customizations to customize data output.
  • Phase 1 – Unit build and end-to-end tests to ensure the application works as intended.
  • Phase 1 – Document API endpoints to support frontend interactions.

Who is this course suitable for:

  • Beginners, developers, students and Django REST framework enthusiasts
  • Developers, students, and enthusiasts looking to learn the Django REST framework.

Course details

  • Publisher: Yudmi
  • teacher: Very Academy
  • English language
  • Education level: introductory
  • Number of courses: 132
  • Training duration: 20 hours and 29 minutes

Course headings

Course prerequisites

No prior experience needed but would be advantageous
Knowledge of relational database principles would be advantageous
Having a computer would definitely be advantageous


Django DRF Project: eCommerce

Course introduction video

Installation guide

After Extract, view with your favorite Player.

Subtitle: None

Quality: 720p

download link

Download part 1 – 2 GB

Download part 2 – 2 GB

Download part 3 – 2 GB

Download part 4 – 2 GB

Download part 5 – 999 MB

Password file(s):


8.99 GB

4.2/5 – (3172 points)

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