Master React JS with 10 Hands-On Projects is a training course from the Udemy website focusing on the React JavaScript framework, which teaches the important topics of this framework in a completely project-oriented way and in the form of 10 practical projects. React JS is an open source and component-oriented library for the JavaScript language, which is used in the field of creating user interfaces for single-page applications. JavaScript is a web programming language that can help developers create interactive and dynamic web applications and websites. All modern websites and browsers support this programming language and JavaScript plays a very colorful role in the modern web world. The development and editing of the user interface of websites has become very simple with the help of this framework, and their troubleshooting process is also done quickly.
React is actually a front-end library that runs in the browser environment. React and Angular are two of the most famous user-side libraries and are compatible with almost all server-side programming languages such as PHP. With the help of this framework, programmers and web designers are able to change the content and data of the web application without reloading the page and create flexible and responsive websites. The community of React developers is very active and almost 220 thousand websites use this framework. Apple, Netflix and Paypal are among the most important companies that use React to design and create their web pages.
What you will learn in Master React JS with 10 Hands-On Projects course:
- React JS
- React Hooks
- JavaScript programming language
- Building 10 practical projects using the React framework
- Detailed knowledge of how the React JS framework works
- And …
Course details
Publisher: Yodmi
teacher: K. Sathyaprakash Reddy
English language
Education level: introductory
Number of courses: 39
Training duration: 6 hours and 12 minutes
Course topics on 8/2021
Prerequisites of Master React JS course with 10 Hands-On Projects
React Basics
Course images
Introduction video of Master React JS course with 10 Hands-On Projects
Installation guide
After Extract, view with your favorite Player.
English subtitle
Quality: 720p
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
3.1 GB
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